Some charges withdrawn against woman accused of longtime sexual violence against children

The preliminary hearing for a woman charged along with her husband with sexual violence and other offences against children took place in provincial court in St. John’s Friday, June 9, where all but one of her charges were dismissed.
The 67-year-old woman, whose name is covered by a publication ban to protect the identity of the complainants, had been charged with sexual assault, incest and criminal negligence causing bodily harm. The latter charge is now the only one remaining against her.
She’ll make her next court appearance in September.
Her husband, 65, faces 29 charges, including sexual assault, sexual assault with a weapon, sexual exploitation, uttering threats, assault with a weapon, sexual interference, invitation to sexual touching and beastiality in the presence of a child.
He is scheduled for a preliminary hearing in August.
The charges stem from alleged incidents in St. John’s over a 12-year period beginning in 1997. The couple has since moved out of the province and the woman attended her court proceeding Friday by video.
The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary said it received a report in June 2021 about multiple sexual assaults that occurred in St. John’s between 1997 and 2009. After an investigation, the RNC arrested the couple in Quebec last August with the help of the Service de police de la ville de Montréal.

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